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Migrating Email from Zoho to cPanel

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Migrating Email from Zoho to cPanel

If you have IMAP in your Zoho account, migrating emails is simple. Gather the following details:

  • IMAP server name (Zoho).
  • Zoho username and password.
  • New cPanel email address and password.

Before starting Zoho to cPanel email migration, ensure IMAP access is enabled in the Zoho Panel.

Steps to Enable IMAP Access in the Zoho Panel:

  1. Log in to your Zoho email account.
  2. Navigate to Settings >> Mail Accounts >> IMAP.
Migrating Email from Zoho to cPanel
  1. Enable IMAP access by checking the corresponding option.

If you don’t have the imapsync tool, install it using the command provided below:

sudo yum install imapsync

You can initiate the migration process within the screen terminal using the following command:

imapsync –host1 –port1 993 –ssl1 –user1 [email protected] –passfile1 /home/shnikarts/pass1 –host2 –port2 993 –ssl2 –user2 [email protected] –passfile2 /home/shnikarts/pass2

Replace “shnikarts” with the account username.

/home/shnikarts/pass1 – Save your gmail account password in this file
/home/shnikarts/pass2 – Save your cpanel account password in this file

And that’s it!

This concludes the email migration from Zoho to cPanel.


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